FreebieJeebies Rules

1. Do not have more than one account. This will be taken as cheating, and you will receive nothing.

2. Do not allow anyone else to sign up from your computer/home network. We will detect that the accounts came from the same person and will take this as you attempting to cheat by having multiple accounts.

3. Do not sign up from public places. Basically, someone has probably already signed up from there, and we will see it as a duplicate account, and you will receive nothing.

4. Do not complete an offer more than once. We will not be paid, and will not pass on the referral to you. It may also be seen as an attempt at fraud.

5. Above all, you may only have 1 account per IP address, 1 account per home address, and 1 account per email address.

Basically, do not try and cheat the system. It is a brilliant and rewarding, g
enuine system, but as with people, with a genuine system is always tempting to try and exploit it.

If you do not adhere to the FreebieJeebies terms and conditions, your account may be placed on hold.

!Be fair with FreebieJeebies, and it will be fair with you!

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